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Wedding Flowers



Make Flowers By GiGi your first choice for premium flowers and upscale design artistry for your dream wedding!

We take special care to ensure the bouquets and on-site floral décor reflect your individual style and budget, whether you prefer timeless tradition or a sleek contemporary look. We can offer lots of beautiful style suggestions in an effort to create the overall look you hope to achieve.

We want to provide you with flowers that are as beautifully unforgettable as your wedding day memories will be.

Wedding flowers are something you will remember for a lifetime. These are the flowers that will always trigger special memories of the day you shared, so it's important to pick something perfectly you. Our goal is to make your dreams a reality.


 To view a portfolio of our past wedding creations, visit our wedding site at

Call us at (228) 222-5432 to schedule a personal consultation. We'd love to help you start planning your dream day today!